Chekguru - app for fast expense tracking with detailed analytics and shopping list

Fast and convenient expense tracking.

Market demands

«I need an application where it's convenient to manage household finances, easily and quickly input data, monitor main expense categories, and plan monthly budgets»

Most users need to cut down on their expenses. To do this, they analyze their spending and draw conclusions about which categories of goods consume the largest portion of their finances.

Users also want to see the expenses of all family members in one place to have a comprehensive overview and allocate finances wisely.

Respondents mention the difficulty of quickly inputting expenditure data and manually categorizing items as additional challenges.


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What we offer

We offer a tool with fast entry of all items from the receipt, automatic categorization, and data synchronization across devices.

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Our stack

We specialize in full-cycle software development and have over 15 years of experience in creating FinTech and information-analytical systems